These SOFTPEX® flexible connector hoses consist of a novel PEX material, which has a much greater flexibility than traditional stiff PEX hoses whilst offering high resistance to pressure and temperature. The extraordinarily chemical-resistant inner hose protects against additives to the drinking water like chlorine which helps in adhering to higher mechanical and hygienic standards.
Connecting hoses are a key water supply component for faucets, washing machines, fridges etc. With a 0% failure rate since its market launch more than two decades ago, the SOFTPEX ® inliner with its tried and tested material mix is a product you can count on.
The new SOFTPEX ® connecting hose generation comes with a 79 % smaller water and 61 % smaller CO2 footprint compared to an EPDM connecting hose. Considerable savings are also possible compared to an old-style PEX inliner.