Small Bathroom Basin Solutions: Maximising Space with Wall-mounted and Corner Basins

Monday 06 May 2024
Small Bathroom Basin Solutions: Maximising Space with Wall-mounted and Corner Basins

For those grappling with the challenge of limited space in a bathroom, utilising every possible area effectively is paramount.

Small bathrooms demand strategic planning and innovative solutions, especially when it comes to basins - an essential component that can't be compromised.

This blog will guide you through two effective basin solutions that not only save space but also add a touch of elegance to your small bathroom.

We will explore the benefits and considerations of wall-mounted basins and corner basins, demonstrating how they can transform your compact bathroom into a functional and aesthetically pleasing space.

Small bathroom basin solutions and why they are ideal for smaller spaces

Wall-mounted basins and corner basins are innovative solutions that optimise the space in small bathrooms.

A wall-mounted basin, as the name suggests, is affixed directly to the wall without any floor support. This design not only frees up floor space but also creates an illusion of more space, making your bathroom look bigger and more open. With its minimalist appeal, a wall-mounted basin is perfect for those seeking a modern and sleek look.

Corner basins, on the other hand, make excellent use of the often overlooked corner space in a bathroom. This type of basin fits snugly into any corner and is an ideal choice for extremely tight spaces. Besides being a practical solution, corner basins can also be a stylish addition, with a variety of designs available to suit various décor preferences.

Both these options present unique advantages in terms of space utilisation and aesthetics. However, the final decision should consider other factors such as plumbing requirements, storage needs, and personal style preferences.

Benefits of wall-mounted basins, including less water waste and improved use of space

When it comes to optimising small spaces, every detail counts and wall-mounted basins are no exception. They offer a multitude of benefits that go beyond space-saving. From less water waste to improved use of space, wall-mounted basins strike a balance between functionality and style. Let's delve a little deeper into these advantages and why they make wall-mounted basins a winning choice for your compact bathroom.

Less Water Waste

One of the less obvious, yet significant benefits of wall-mounted basins is the potential for less water waste. With conventional basin designs, it is quite easy for water to splash out or leak onto the floor, leading to unnecessary wastage. However, wall-mounted basins, with their compact design and high placement, can help minimise this issue. Moreover, the modern designs of wall-mounted basins often incorporate water-efficient faucets which further contribute to water conservation.

Improved Use of Space

The most apparent advantage of a wall-mounted basin is its space-saving feature. As these basins do not require a vanity or pedestal for support, they free up considerable floor space, making the bathroom appear larger and more open. This feature is particularly beneficial in small bathrooms where every inch of space matters. Additionally, the area underneath the basin can be used for storage or left open to enhance the sense of spaciousness. Despite their compact size, wall-mounted basins do not compromise on functionality and provide sufficient basin space for regular use.

Types of wall-mounted basins available and choosing the right size for your bathroom

Wall-mounted basins come in a variety of styles, sizes, and materials to suit different bathroom aesthetics and space requirements. For smaller bathrooms, consider choosing a compact, rectangular wall-mounted basin that doesn't compromise on functionality while saving space. On the other hand, for larger bathrooms or for those desiring a more artistic touch, a wide, oval-shaped basin can make an impressive statement piece.

Materials also play a crucial role in the durability and appearance of your basin. Ceramic basins, for instance, are renowned for their resistance to stains, scratches, and heat. They also offer a classic, clean look that works well with various decor styles. Stainless steel wall-mounted basins, on the other hand, are modern, durable, and easy to maintain, making them an ideal choice for bathrooms with a contemporary design.

When choosing the right size, it's important to consider the proportions of your bathroom. The basin should not overpower the space or make it difficult to move around. It's recommended to measure the area where the basin will be installed before making a purchase to ensure a proper fit. Consider the height at which the basin will be mounted to ensure it's comfortable for all users. The right wall-mounted basin can not only save space and reduce water waste but also add a stylish focal point to your bathroom.

Tips for installing a wall-mounted basin, including proper measurements and support

Measuring for Wall-Mounted Corner Basins

Before attempting to install a wall-mounted basin, it is crucial to take accurate measurements of your bathroom. First, measure the height at which you plan to mount the basin. This is typically at waist height, but personal preferences and needs might influence this. Also, consider the width and depth of the basin and ensure it will fit comfortably in the intended corner without obstructing bathroom traffic.

Providing Adequate Support for Wall-Mounted Corner Basins

In terms of support, wall-mounted basins rely on wall studs. These are the vertical frames within the wall that can securely hold the weight of the basin. Use a stud finder to locate the studs in your wall where you plan to mount the basin. If the studs don't align with your planned position, you may need to install a support bracket or a plywood backing between the studs to provide the necessary support. Always check the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific installation requirements of your chosen basin model.

Remember, installing a wall-mounted basin can be a complex task, especially if you're unfamiliar with DIY projects. Consider hiring a professional if you're unsure about any aspect of the installation process to ensure your basin is installed safely and correctly.

Advantages of corner basins, from increased storage to freeing up floor space

Corner basins, much like wall-mounted varieties, offer a host of advantages tailored specifically to compact bathroom spaces. These innovative fixtures not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of your bathroom but also optimise functionality in remarkable ways. As we delve into the benefits of corner basins, we'll explore three key advantages: increased storage, freeing up floor space, and boosting the overall aesthetic appeal of your bathroom.

Increased Storage

Corner basins are a practical solution for bathrooms with limited space, as they maximise the use of often-underutilised corners. This relocation of the basin can free up wall space for additional storage units like cupboards or shelves, providing an excellent opportunity to stylishly store toiletries, towels, and other bathroom essentials.

Frees Up Floor Space

The strategic installation of a corner basin can significantly increase the available floor space in your bathroom. Particularly in compact bathrooms, the use of floor space is critical in maintaining an uncluttered and spacious atmosphere. By installing the basin in a corner, you open up the central space, making the room feel larger and more comfortable. This not only improves the overall look and feel of your bathroom but also enhances its usability and accessibility.

Aesthetic Appeal

Beyond functionality, corner basins also add an aesthetic appeal to your bathroom. Available in various designs, materials, and finishes, these basins can serve as a stylish focal point that enhances your bathroom's overall decor. Whether you opt for a sleek, modern design or a classic, traditional style, a corner basin can contribute significantly to your bathroom's aesthetic value.

Types of corner basins available and choosing the right size for your bathroom

There is a wide variety of corner basins available, catering to different style preferences, functional requirements, and size constraints.

Pedestal Corner Basins

A popular choice for small bathrooms, pedestal corner basins are compact and elegant. They come in a variety of designs, from modern to traditional, and can effortlessly blend into your bathroom decor. However, they lack storage space underneath, which might be a consideration if you need extra room for your bathroom essentials.

Wall-Mounted Corner Basins

Wall-mounted corner basins are another excellent choice for small spaces. These basins are affixed directly to the wall, freeing up floor space and creating a minimalist, clean look. They also allow for storage options underneath, like small shelves or baskets.

Corner Basin Vanities

If you have a little more space to spare and need extra storage, a corner basin vanity could be the right fit. These units combine a basin with a countertop and storage underneath, providing a practical and stylish solution for your bathroom.

Choosing the right size of the corner basin for your bathroom depends on the available space and your storage needs. Make sure to measure your bathroom accurately before making a purchase. A well-fitted corner basin can make your bathroom look well-arranged and spacious, while a too-large basin can crowd the room and hinder movement.

Tips for installing a corner basin, including proper measurements and support

Before embarking on the task of installing a corner basin, it is crucial to take accurate measurements. Use a tape measure to calculate the distance from the corner where you plan to install the basin, taking into account the space needed for the plumbing, the basin itself, and any extra room for manoeuvrability. Remember that for most corner basins, you'll want to place it so that the edge of the basin is aligned with the corner of the room.

When it comes to support, the type of basin you've chosen will largely dictate the kind of support required. Pedestal and wall-mounted corner basins will need a secure attachment to the wall, so locating wall studs is vital. For a corner basin vanity, ensuring it sits level and is firmly connected to both the wall and floor is important.

Lastly, don't forget to consider the height at which the basin will be installed. The standard height for a bathroom basin is 34 inches from the floor, but this can be adapted according to personal preference and comfort.

It's always advisable to enlist professional help if you're unsure about any step of the installation process. A poorly installed basin can lead to problems down the line, including potential water damage and plumbing issues.


In conclusion, wall-mounted and corner basins are an exceptional choice for small bathrooms, offering an effective solution to space constraints.

By maximising the use of corners, these basins free up substantial floor space, enabling easier movement and enhancing the bathroom's overall appearance. Furthermore, being adaptable in terms of installation height, they offer greater user comfort. However, accurate measurement and installation are key to ensuring that these benefits are realized, underscoring the importance of professional assistance in the process.