Feature Adjustable
Adjustable Includes an innovative adjustment mechanism providing various lenghts (220-300mm) which allows for different sized cisterns and toilets or to adjust the leaning. Constructed from robust stainless steel tube for strength and durability.
Feature Heavy Duty Fixings
Heavy Duty Fixings Heavy Duty Fixings
Feature Highly Resistant To Spotting
Highly Resistant To Spotting Highly resistant to water spotting
Feature Compliance
Compliance Manufactured to ISO9001:2015 Quality Management
Feature Multiple Fixing Points with full cover flange
Multiple Fixing Points with full cover flange For added extra strengh and stability.
Feature No Plating or Brushing Process
No Plating or Brushing Process Added durability through no plating or brushing process.
Feature Residential/Light Commercial Use
Residential/Light Commercial Use Suitable for Residential/Light Commercial Use (Kitchens, Bathrooms and Laundries in Hotels, Motels and Retirement Villages).
Feature Commercial Use
Commercial Use Suitable for commercial use.
Feature Guarantee
Guarantee 5 Year Guarantee
Feature Hygienic Design
Hygienic Design
Feature 304 Grade Stainless Steel
304 Grade Stainless Steel 304 Grade Stainless Steel
Feature BPIR - NZS 4121:2001 Accessories
BPIR - NZS 4121:2001 Accessories This product complies with Building Code Regulation NZS 4121:2001 Access & Mobility Accessories
Feature BPIR - B2.3.1 Durability
BPIR - B2.3.1 Durability This product complies with Building Code Regulation B2.3.1 Durability