Embark on a journey into timeless elegance with The Stables House, an extraordinary creation by Turton Oliver Interior Design. This remarkable residence is nestled on a sprawling plot within the captivating landscapes of New Zealand, crafted from a harmonious blend of timber and stone, exuding a contemporary allure that seamlessly integrates with the surrounding natural beauty.
At the heart of this exceptional project lies the thoughtful selection of Samuel Heath Tapware and Parisi fixtures supplied by Robertson Bathware. The marriage of cutting-edge design and unparalleled craftsmanship from Samuel Heath, along with the distinctive style of Parisi fixtures, effortlessly complements the house's aesthetic, as envisioned by Turton Oliver Interior Design. This combination elevates both form and function, with each tap and fixture serving as a testament to refined luxury. The Stables House is a sanctuary where the beauty of New Zealand landscapes converges with the innovative vision of Turton Oliver Interior Design and modern sophistication.
Design: Turton Oliver Interior Design
Photography: Nicole Troost